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A word for sponsors

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A word for media

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Our previous and current sponsors alphabetically ordered:

Alice & Bob
Parisian startup for quantum processors made of superconducting circuits
Master concepts by solving fun, challenging problems. We’ll help you learn real math and science through conceptual quizzes that are both entertaining and educational
City of Lausanne
French-speaking Swiss city, home to the International Olympic Committee and EPFLFrench-speaking Swiss city, home to the International Olympic Committee and EPFL
City of Palaiseau
Suburban Paris commune, home for Ecole Polytechnique and other ParisTech institutes
CFM Foundation
Support fundamental research through various academic partnerships
cogito foundation
Swiss charity which aims to achieve a better understanding of the scientific way of thinking among the general public
Ecole Polytechnique
Leading French institute that combines top-level research, academics, and innovation at the cutting-edge of science and technology
EDP Sciences
French publisher for international journals, books, conferences, and websites with predominantly scientific and technical content
Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
Swiss research institution for application-oriented materials science and technology, located in Dübendorf, St. Gallen and Thun
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Public research university in Lausanne, specializing in engineering and natural sciences
European Physical Society
Non-profit organisation whose purpose is to promote physics and physicists in Europe through physics outreach
Ernst Göhner Stiftung
Financing of investment companies as well as support and promotion of cultural, scientific and social institutions
ETH Zurich
Swiss university, with neoclassical main hub, known for its engineering, science & technology programs.
French Physics Society
Non-profit scientific society lobbying for French physicists with French policymakers alongside other scientific societies
Gather gives distributed teams a digital space that brings everyone together
General Microtechnology and Photonics
Top distributor of high technology products and source of turnkey solutions for equipment integration
Italian Physics Society
Non-profit organization whose aim is to promote, encourage, protect the study and the progress of physics in Italy and in the world
Jane Street
Quantitative trading firm with offices in London, New York, Hong Kong & Singapore, offering summer internships and full-time graduate opportunities across Quantitative Trading, Research and other business areas.
Swiss company and a multinational manufacturer of computer peripherals and software
Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure
ENS laboratory for interdisciplinary fundamental research in physics and its interfaces
Paul Scherrer Institut
Multi-disciplinary research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland
Qubit Pharmaceuticals
Physics-driven drug discovery company using advanced simulation software and AI-enhanced medicinal chemistry
Swiss pioneer in healthcare committed to improving lives
Saint Gobain
French multinational corporation, originally a mirror manufacturer, also produces a variety of construction, high-performance, and other materials
Leading Swiss manufacturer of a variety of vital everyday sensors including temperature, flow and gas sensors
Solvay brings advancements in planes, cars, batteries, smart and medical devices, water and air treatment, to solve critical industrial, social and environmental challenges
Public research university whose legacy reaches back to the Middle Ages in 1257 when Sorbonne College was established by Robert de Sorbon
Springer Nature
Global publisher dedicated to providing the best possible service to the whole research community
Swiss Nanoscience Institute
Center of excellence for nanosciences and nanotechnology at the University of Basel
Swiss Physical Society
Swiss professional society involved in education and mediating young talent programs
Financial service provider which supports charitable initiatives in the fields of health, science, education, culture and sport
Swiss interdisciplinary research network, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation at the crossroads of mathematics and theoretical physics
Industrial University of Santander
Public university, combining education and research, in Bucaramanga, Colombia
University of Warsaw
Largest higher education institution in Poland, offering 37 different fields of study as well as 100 specializations in humanities, technical, and the natural sciences
Software company known for the symbolic computation program Mathematica unifying algorithms, data, notebooks, linguistics and deployment
World Scientific
Academic publisher of scientific, technical, and medical books and journals headquartered in Singapore