Statute and the Association with the EPS

The IPT is officially registered in France as an association with the European Physics Society. Our work is regulated by the IPT Statute. It covers the governing, responsible parties, operation and reporting.
It is available in French (original), and in English (translation).
8 Sept 2021 IPT Statute (original in French)
8 Sept 2021 IPT Statute in English
8 Sept 2021 Founding General Assembly
Code of Conduct
With the ethos of this tournament, which is in part to make science accessible to all at a young age and to members of the public, we believe it is great to have intermediary events, such as domestic tournaments, go on. It is encouraged these be as open as possible for these members of society to see. Considering the openness and timing of these events before the final tournament and also with some works going onto impact-wielding scientific publications. We would like to remind teams, especially team members and team leaders that they should maintain scientific integrity, as is expected amongst academic staff when attending conferences and seeing unpublished works, etc. We stress the importance of bearing in mind positive scientific ethics when participating in the tournament as a spectator or as a participant. In case of potential plagiarism, we remind you that there are rules in place in this tournament to tackle plagiarism/intellectual theft and we advise that issues be brought to us first should they arise.
We are summarising the values and principles of the event in our Code of Conduct.
Decision Assembly
The IPT is governed by the Decision Assembly, consisting of the national representatives of the participating countries. The current list of national representatives and their eligibility criteria can be found on our national representatives page.
The Decision Assembly meets annually, usually during the IPT event. The Decision Assembly minutes can be found below:
28 Apr 2019 | Decision Assembly (then IOC meeting) 2019 |
21 Jun 2020 | Decision Assembly 2020 |
29 Dec 2020 | Decision Assembly 2020 |
18 Sept 2021 | Decision Assembly 2021 |
12 May 2022 | Decision Assembly 2022 |
25 and 28 Apr 2023 | Decision Assembly 2023 |